Handbooks | The challenges of financial support T-I
Tomo 1
Estate of the art aplication of A.I. as a technological tool for making accounting-administrative-sustainable decisions in SMEs, 2024
Ayala-Ríos, Irma Amelia, González-Cruz, Saúl, López-Sánchez, Iván and Ordoñez-Castro, Fernando


Effects of halving on the Bitcoin market
González-Flores, Adalberto, Hernández-Sánchez, Josefina and Vargas-Moreno, Ricardo


Documented inventory control process for an adventure tourism equipment warehouse
Echavarría-Gudiño, Héctor


Digital tools to strengthen university identity
Vargas-Moreno, Ricardo, Hernández-Sánchez, Josefina and Santos-García, Adrián


Implications of the degree in the engineering career in business management within the Technological Institute of Toluca
Quiroz-Velázquez, Manuela Elvia & Ramírez-Hernández, Marivel


Study of consumer experience as a success factor for MSMEs
Langarica-Rojas, Carlos Antonio


Analysis of the economic impact that enterprises in the commercial and manufacturing sector in the north of the State of Mexico have had as a consequence of the increase in the prices of raw materials in the year 2023
Ancona-Matias, Milton, Huerta-Jiménez, Alan and López-Sánchez, Iván


Use and perception of technologies among higher education students: an exploratory analysis
Sánchez-Muñoz, Maximino and Jiménez-González, Guadalupe


Proposed guide to optimize accounts receivable through the DSO indicator (Average Collection Days) case study Fiscal, Accounting and Administrative Office Hernández, 2023
Casimiro-Martínez, Hemelin, Reyes- Pacheco, Ulises and González-Cruz, Saúl


Cost Benefit as a decision tool in the investment of mechanical cranes
Fragoso-Díaz, Socorro, Lechuga-Martínez, Ana Lorena and Flores-Rodríguez, Elvira Maribel

